i’d do either:
Elemntry Particle Physics BAU Enrollment Information
Registration #: 387540 Capacity: 15 seats Section: BAU Seats Available: Credits: 3.00 credits Total: 13 Days, Time: M W F, 4:00 PM - 4:50 PM Reserved (Majors): 0 Dates: 01/16/2007 - 04/30/2007 Non-reserved: 13 Room: 219 FRNCZKview map Status: OPEN Location: North Campus Instructor: Baur, Ulook up
Course Description
Designed to acquaint students with the broad features of particle physics, serving either as an introduction to further study or as an informative overview for specialists in other fields. Complete familiarity with special relativity and quantum mechanics is assumed. Topics: introduction to families of particles; relativistic kinematics applied to reaction cross-sections and decay rates; symmetries and conservation laws, isospin, strangeness, charm, and beauty; parity and CP violation in weak interactions; quark model of hadrons; high-energy accelerators and detectors; applications of particle physics in heavy-ion collisions, astrophysics, and the early universe.
Relativity And Fields 1 KIN Enrollment Information
Registration #: 195866 Capacity: 20 seats Section: KIN Seats Available: Credits: 3.00 credits Total: 15 Days, Time: M W F, 3:00 PM - 3:50 PM Reserved (Majors): 0 Dates: 01/16/2007 - 04/30/2007 Non-reserved: 15 Room: 216 NSCview map Status: OPEN Location: North Campus Instructor: Kinney, W Hlook up
Course Description
Implications of special relativity from experiment, Lorentz transformation and the Poincare group, relativistic mechanics of point particles, field equations in special relativity, features of spinor-vector tensor field. Noether’s theorem and the conservation equations; introduction to general relativity; differential geometry; Einstein’s field equations and the Newtonian limit; the Schwarzschild solution and crucial tests; spinor, vector, and tensor field equations; equations in curved space; cosmology.