need another job!

hahahahah you’re a joker Kev. You’re right… You’re sex. I’m licking my nipples right now :stuck_out_tongue:

HAHAHAHA you think it’s that easy to get away from this? I wish I could tell people to stop referring to my sleeping. NOPE, you’re stuck with it for life
Why were you doodling bang busses on your napkin with excited “kids” hanging out the windows?

:hmm I know you’re gay so I won’t even bother asking why you’re watching me sleep.

No, they’re pics of your house at your sisters bday party. I wasn’t tipsy or anything it’s just that I fell asleep. Don’t deny that you weren’t doing the creepy stalker watch too.

hahahaha ACTUALLY it was TWO (2) times and you’re just as skinny yourself kid.

BTW, wasn’t RABBIT asking for a job in this one?