Need any pics of JnJ

True dat.I missed it as well.Had to go back and look for the Kittah.

ceiling cat watches JnJ delete PMs?

This thread shows an outstanding lack of class. :tup:

i think its pretty evident over the past couple weeks that JnJ has never had any class there are plenty of other threads that show his lack of class… wait… no… he deleted them :bloated:


only if it was made in the summer. it’s winter time. thread standards drop dramatically.

whats it feel like not getting laid and being rejected by any attractive women? just wondering? and reading isnt your strong side i said a bunch of times i already got them

i agree, if you have a problem take it to him. im sure you all know where he lives. im not sticking up for the guy or anything because i dont even know him. but i have to say the thread is funny

You’re kidding, right?

i was untill rubicant came in and took me serious. i just like busting ur balls howie. u know me in person howie and am i ever really serious?

this is good stuff

<------- class act but thought the ceiling cat was funny.


Just because I refused your numerous offers to blow me and for analingus doesn’t mean I don’t get any. I guess it wasn’t you that was crying when people would post links to HELP YOU and your PMS went into overdrive. Speaking of reading, it’s nice to see you have a commanding grasp of the English language where you can formulate sentences properly. I guess you got through high school on your fellatio skills and loving of your teacher’s rusty sheriff’s badge…

just because that was the lamest attempt of a come back, ill give you a D-. it would have been a F but you got me on the sentence structure. so i have to go now and practice my sentence structure. be back later after i learn internet sentence structure

If you weren’t being serious, fine, I apologize for going off on you but you need to get a grip sometimes man. I don’t have any problem with you in person but you act like a such a whiney bitch online I want to stab my eyes with a spoon.

muahshahaahahahahahah you guys make my day sometimes :stuck_out_tongue:

i think the forum is a means to let everyone in the (car) community know just who is trustworthy, deserves business, etc. when one person has blatantly screwed people over, abused power, and lied to all of his “friends” who had been around for MANY YEARS for no reason, it’s just too bad if people decide to strike back.

so if u want to back up the guy, then fine. but dont criticize others for what they say when you’ve had no dealings in the situation.

i like pancakes

so… are we bashing JnJ or Layzie?
