Need "chill" music suggestions

oh word

See Im not crazy.

song is pretty old.

Yore pretty old.

i beg to differ, i am as young as i think i am…

You need to chill lik Kracmer.

you need this in your lyfe.

This is the only “ghetto beats” song I enjoy. That I can even recall.

sometimes listening to Atmosphere is like chilling out type of music even though its a little heavier/harder than youre probably looking for.

I sometimes just kinda relax to the beat when one of their cd’s is in my truck.

This post shocked me. +rep to you PJB

Thanks Lance.

To All My Friends… is in my truck’s cd player right now (newest album).

your truck is twice as cool as it was now… if you like them check out Brother Ali… he’s on their label too and is very good

I just downloaded one of his cd’s and Ill put it in the truck tomorrow


aesop rock is pretty awesome just for hanging

Daft Punk (Tron)

End of Line-

Fairly long start up on “End” but still good.