need computer help..fuckin antimalware popups

i got these fuckin antimalware shit popping up every fuckin minute and i’m ready to go a personal hunt to find every last virus maker and cut their fucken head off and mail it to their mom… anywho… my pc-illin found a bunch of shit and got rid of it but this phony windows security center shit keeps goin the fuck off and i’m pissed… how the fuck do i get rid of this shit… FML

I had the same thing i just downloaded a program off the internet. It worked Ill look to see which one it is when I get home.

i downloaded some shit off microsoft…i think its solved… i’m punchin the first computer geek i see that looks shady…

your welcome.

x2 thats what I used worked great

if you download it and install it and it wont let you run it change mbam.exe to another name and it will let you run it. anti malware bytes is awesome.

or download combofix and run that. That usually cleans up the stuff malwarebytes can’t.

It fucking sucks having to run 45 different programs to get rid of spyware but it’s good for my business. :slight_smile:

There are 45 different programs in the business of blowing dudes? :dunno:

i will keep this in mind if the shit comes back… thanks

it’s a very good program to have on your pc even without having issues. Run a scan every week or so just to keep everything nice and clean, I wouldn’t wait until you are getting 50 popups a second to download and install it. IMO

i have trend micro PC-cillin i dunno why it didnt pick it up…

Shaggy did it

a virus is different than spyware

most virus programs don’t do dick to spyware, which is why you need to have malwarebytes and a virus program on the pc.

ya i dont know shit…i just turn it on and hit buttons. lol

i use anti malware bytes and free avg. It works pretty good. I also use pc angel easy restore with my second partition saved on a external hd so it can be virused incase i get one bad enough. I havent ever had to use pc angel because the other 2 programs work good enough for me. However ive had a couple clients i had to use it on because they waited so long to call me.