PC Help ...

I need some help. Every forum I go to, certain words turn green, and get underlined. If I mouse over them, a “Gamevance” small box comes up. Also … Im getting a shit load of pop ups, that are word related to what forum Im logging onto. Like my diesel forums … I keep getting cologne adds for Diesel Cologne. I can’t find this “Gamevance” anywhere on my comp … so WTF?

Get spyware remover, something like Ad-Aware and use that to get rid of it is probably your best bet.

You’ve got malware on your computer (Spyware, Adware, “virus”, ect).

Download “Spybot- Search and Destroy” located here:

Run it, and report back. I betcha this fixes it. If not, we’ll dig a bit deeper.

re boot it :kekegay:


Actually i found that Malwarebytes anti-malware works the best. And it’s free.

:rofl: … That was the first thing I tryed!

Thanks guys … Chad, Ill give Malwarebytes a try.

I have been using that to get rid of the “antivirus xp” bullshit going around lately. That program works really good.

Your advice seemed to fix everything!! … Thanks!!!
