Pop up problem.. /virus/whatever

I dont know whats causing it, but internet explorer continues to open in the background to the point where my computer is SOO slow, and im sick of control-alt-deleting and ending the 20 occurrences that hide in the background and make some stupid advertisement start talking to me.

How can i fix this? any ideas?


run spyware/virii software


NOD32 rocks as an AV client

what version of IE are you using? I’d personally ditch IE and go with firefox

^ link to a good free spyware software?

Stop clicking links to porn…


one of my favorites

and like I said… as for virus protection, seriosuly check out NOD32. Just switched over to it and wondering why I didn’t do it sooner. Works great, powerful and uses very very little system resources


Stop clicking links to porn…


damit beat me to it…

then http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/firefox/

fackin noob

how do i remove IE… i never use it

you can’t, it’s built into windows.

when you install firefox and run it for the first time, it’ll ask you if you want to make it the default web browser, click yes and you’ll be good to go for the most part.

and this security tool, while a little cumbersome, is worth having as well (firefox plugin). only allow scripts from trusted websites :tup: (your bank/ebay/amazon/youtube/nyspeed/ect)

Can’t remove IE, everything you see is driven by it.


then Get Firefox browser — Mozilla (US)

fackin noob


This is probably the easiest way, and should help get it to a manageable point. But this can depend entirely on how much damage was done.

Yea, plus some sites still require or don’t work 100% with IE… So you’ll use it once in a few blue moons still.


you can’t, it’s built into windows.


Not entirely true, with a few registry hacks you can actually remove the browser…But of course all kinds of screwy shit happens since a ton of built in services look for IE.

Learned that one the hard way.

Good portions of IE run everything from what you use to browse folders, use the start menu, and view pretty much anything you see on the computer. That said it is possible through a lot of 3rd party apps, shells, and such. But nowhere near worth the effort and problems trying to unmarry the two.


your problem (and my smugness?) is obvious


Stop clicking links to porn…





your problem (and my smugness?) is obvious



I find your lack of smug very disturbing.

yes, linux is the answer.

will, is it a laptop? If so, I will be in lockwood on wednesday, bring it to me

it is a laptop… will do if i go to class lol <3