Need computer help!!!!!

I’m at work and have nothing to do. I’m trying to play around on the internet but my company has web sense anybody know a way around it so I can play games, look at porn, play steaming media, look at porn, ect. ect:wtf:

find a proxy to connect to.

doing that stuff at work is retarded. If the company invested the money for websense, they are probably tracking every click you make, why risk your job for a little porn.

looking at porn at home with beer>looking at porn at work and losing your job

sadly…77 is right. and websense is a toughie…they update rather quickly to block new cgi proxy sites(web proxies) and the old school methods like entering the IP instead of the web address don’t work with it either

Well people have been looking at shit at work for years. Porn emails get sent to the excecutives upstairs so I know they don’t care. Its the one faggot ass IT supervisor that put this shit on the computers. Aircraft mechanics are very scarce around here so I definatly won’t get fired. :wackit:


IP addresses used to work at PTI where I WENT to school, it was sweet.

Obviously not enough schooling, lol. Kidding my friend, just kidding

