Computer people - anyone know how to get past work blocking certain websites?

My work just recently made it impossible to get on certain sites. it doesnt say they are blocked, it just times out if you try to go to them. I have been able to use a proxy site to bypass this but it changes the website layout and the pop ups are horrible. I have a flash drive i use to stick in the computer to run firefox portable which worked at my old job to bypass but here its not working. Any ideas?



Most of us who work in IT actually have no idea what we’re doing. It’s the industry’s dirty little secret.

yes, i know how.

Step 1: Create a TS Server
Step 2: Stream IE from said TS Server
Step 3: Profit

firefox portable ona flash drive ?? pm me more details please !

I would always use for my home computer. Essentially you are only accessing from the work pc, but could browse whatever you wanted from your home computer. Is blocked?

Do Your job instead of net

is work keeping you off this website?


the solution is to keep trying to fuck around on the internet until you get fired… then surf away!

ps. do your job




ssh tunneling!

so what websites are you referring to?

VLAN employees and block 3389 from that VLAN at the firewall. If that doesn’t work, install an inline filtering solution that can detect embedded HTTP traffic to prevent your solution. :slight_smile: I deal with that shit all the time in schools. Kids were using firefox portable so IE lockdown policies couldn’t prevent them from using manual proxies, so I created a GPO to prevent EXE, VBS, MSI, etc files from running on flash drives. No more Firefox Portable.

I don’t think you’re supposed to goto at work anyways.


Nazi Roland

You office people are hilarious. WAAAAAAAAAAAAA i can’t access facebook or twitter at work.
fuck yourself with a rubber hose.


The IT people here are giving out secrets to by pass it. Counter productive, Yins office people are weird

Step .5: Establish SSL VPN tunnel