How to block websites at work

My assistant has been really pissing me off lately.

How can I block facebook on just her computer?

Are you guys connecting through an Internet appliance or proxy firewall? If not, you could always put a dummy proxy into IE on her machine and hope she isn’t smart enough to find it. But that would cut all of her Internet access.

edit the hosts file


If shes not an admin, she wont be able to edit it back.

Edit the file as an administrator: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc

Put in it every URL you want to block. Facebook uses a bunch of different URLs I think so you might need to go on it and see what ones are blocked.

pretend like I am not an IT guy, spell it out for me. Edit host means nothing to me.

what file do i edit as an administrator?


  1. Open notepad
  2. File> Open and go to that folder
  3. Change File Type to All Files
  4. Open the file hosts
  5. Paste in this:

save and good to go

Someone who uses facebook see what urls it uses. I don’t use it so i am not sure what exact pages to block.

Open up the file C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\hosts in notepad

Below all the lines starting with “#” add the following:

Save the file, she should be done.

thanks, I can’t wait to ruin her day, and hopefully she will start working again

You could just fire her. I bet there is a lot of people in Buffalo who would be willing to work.

Does she need the internet? You can just disable internet access for her.

I Hope she doesnt have a iphone

I really can’t fire her, she has been with the company for 3 years, and my boss really likes her.

She does need the internet, she prints directions, looks up flights, book hotels, googles people, etc.

In the past year she has become super lazy. Yesterday I asked her to write 4 thank you letters and look up some flights. It took her like 3 hours, every time I walked by she would be typing some huge fucking story on Facebook, like paragraphs. I have no problem with going on facebook and surfing the web at work, but just finish your work then do it.

Edit the hosts file. Simple. Dirty. Hard to detect. She might just think its down. Lol.

^ lol

Might want to rethink this. I hate facebook/myspace. I like twitter tho.


lol…i wanna hear updates on this.

Its funny because im pretty sure in all of our (nyspeeders) coworkers eyes we are this facebook girl lol.

set up a redirect to…she’ll think twice about going on or maybe setup a batch file so every time she tries to access facebook it restarts her computer.


Maybe you shouldn’t block her…:frowning:

Facebook, YouTube at work make better employees: study