Saying goodbye to my fellow shifters :(

Shift has been blocked at my work. Fail so fucking hard!!! So now all I have is my phone. I’m so pissed right now. This dark cloud o er my head needs to be blown away.

So moral or the story is I won’t ever be on shift. :frowning:

Please contact me through text or Facebook if something is going on that you think I would like to attend. Thanks doods

soooooooo ya wont get to see any pics of me mollesting your car as ya leave it to get faster ???

Just visit on the phone.

Im rarely on my computer and you got an iPhone.

Plus aren’t there sites that bypass filters?

Those are all blocked haha.

my work did the samme thing, fucking suckkkkks

Sucks for you guys! lol

Proxy server.

Purchase Internet connection and a computer for the house. Problem solved. :rofl

-posted from my iPhone


Good riddance you ASS

I use my iPhone for 99% of my Internet surfing, including watching porn

HTC thunderbolt has a kickstand. GREAT for pr0n.


fuck yea tethering FTW.

That sucks man

It would be nice to have Twitterfeed.

Twitterfeed for Shift?


Kinda sucks.

-Posted from my iPhone

Tools > Internet Options > Connections > LAN settings > Uncheck box that says use proxy server or whatever > profit.

Not that our IT department ever had the most non-secure way around internet being blocked or anything.