Saying goodbye to my fellow shifters :(

Wow, that sucks. Perhaps you can look for a new cloaking site that isn’t blocked?

  • Posted from company owned laptop attached to company network.

Orrr suck off the IT admin and have them put you in an exception group.

KK = Member of proxy unrestricted domain group. I could look at porn right now if I wanted to! lol

I know a bunch of forums I sub’d have them, not sure if shift generate enough traffic to make it worthwhile. I bascially tweets any new post with a direct link to that thread, saves a lot of time if using your phone. Also the mobile forum format helps.

Wouldn’t that clutter the hell out of anyone’s phone?

There are days we get 1000 posts a day.


It only tweets new threads for the forums I sub’d, or there is a setting to do that only.

So it’s essentially like clicking User CP and or having an email subscription to posts.

It’s a plug in I assume?

Get Tapatalk for your iPhone!


posted from unrestricted web access at work


-not posted from an i-phone, a lap top, a pc, a phone with any kind of internet.

Huh? No internet@home?




IM BACK! kinda.

im at work working OT and everything (most things) is available after 6pm haha

so wednesdays ill be here after 6. :expressionless:

Your car done?

You know you can visit at home too…


There are still people without home internet? :expressionless:

Funny thing is, he’s got an iPhone, we have tapa talk on the forum now, and he could set up a hot spot. But noooo