How to beat websense?

Yes, I’m one of those poor bastards whose internet access at work is now controlled by websense. I’m just looking for any suggestions on how to beat it. Here are some tricks I’ve found while googling (none of which work):

Do an nslookup on the blocked site, get IP, convert address to binary, reconvert the binary octals to a single decimal number and use as address. (Invalid host error every time.)

Try using https instead of http. (pwn3d by websense)

Try using a free proxy. (all proxies blocked)

Try using a proxy with a .ca address (also blocked)

Try initally using a cached page from a search engine (blocked).

One method that partially worked: View the page through a translator like babelfish or google translator. (The inital page loads [with a few oddities in the layout] but any other page on that domain is still blocked if you attempt to navigate to it.)

Any ideas?

yeah… doesnt leave any real info on your work PC either :slight_smile:

on your home PC (if you have highspeed internet) go to and download/setup the software.

then @ work… go to and log in via Internet explorer and bam… you can just use your home internet to surf @ work (this is providing you have java/activx AND isnt blocked)

my work is actually pretty good about these things.

the only thing that is blocked is myspace…because people did stupid things last summer and got it blocked

but i have it set up with a different proxy set on a diff port. and i get on fine :slight_smile:

What kinda cell phone do you have?

i dont knw what I’d do at work without myspace


my work is blocking more every day - i’m not sure what software they use. the only proxy site i’ve found that isn’t blocked is
i would love a way around it. i might have to try terminal services once i get my home computer setup.

logmein is blocked here…

:snky: :snky:

logmein is blocked here…

There is a better way… as you can see I am posting right now…

:snky: :snky:

:snky: :snky: