Need computer help...

My Microsoft word wont work. It is missing a DLL file ( I know it is a run file). I ran virus scans and what not and came up empty. Is it possably some kind of spyware or something? I tried re installing the program and got the same results. I am running windows ME (I know it blows but its what came with the comp). Any ideas?

ummm take ur hard drive and throw it out the window. windows ME BLOWS!!! its prolly a corrupt .dll file within the system, sounds like u need to format and run a better OS. u should consider win 2000 prfessional(im assuming its an older machine). or if u really wanna “fix” it, try popping in the installation disk and doing a repair on it.

my mom did that and it did not work. Cant afford to replace it right now.

search the net for the dll your missing…

:word: If you know that one is missing I assume that you know which one it is.

Googe it… you’ll find where it goes and probably someone that has i hosted. PM me the filename I’ll look for ya if you want.

say eff it and dl ABIWORD??

thats all i got, sorry

yeah, find the missing dll online or post what it is on here and one of us will find it on our computer and tell you where it should be and possibly send you the file as well.