Need help finding a song v. country crew in here

The other day I heard a song on WGNA and I can’t seem to find it anywhere. I only caught the last half of it so I didn’t hear who the singer was or the name of the song, but some of the lyrics were (may not be exact): the only two men who ever stood for my freedom were grandpa and god… something along those lines. it is driving me nuts b/c it was a good song and now I can’t find it. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

sounds familiar, searching through some songs now, ill let you know if i find it

it was on 1071 tonight. i cant think of the name of it! kinda mad bc i liked it. and wanted to do the american thing and download it lol

Is it Dope Show by Marilyn Manson?


We’re all stars now.

Ive got nothing on this one. I dont think Ive heard that song before.

male or female artist, single, pair or group of singers may help

i believe it was a male artist… mostly solo.

google what you think the lyrics are and put in country somehwere in the search? that usually works for me

or use shazam app on your iphone :slight_smile:

i think i know what song your thinking of… country grammar by Nelly?

country roads by john denver?

country boy by alan jackson?

we went out last night kenny chesney?

sideways by dierks bentley

aaron tippin - where the stars & stripes & the eagle fly?

I believe it’s Kenny Rodgers.

gotta be something alan jackson or toby keith. lots of their songs revolve around the U.S. and A.

im pretty sure its neither of them, ive heard most all of their songs and i cant recall those lyrics in them