Need help from the Excel Pros

My boss at work has put me in charge of revamping our inspection reports. Currently the reports we have are more designed for internal use and aren’t basic enough for the customer… but they also contain sensitive information that we really don’t want the customer knowing (exact dimensions, etc).

So basically I am looking for a way to be able to have a full report for internal use and to be able to easily hide certain rows in different sheets with a keystroke or button (instead of highlighting and hiding each row). I was fooling around a little bit with macros and think I’ve figured out how to set up the macro using the recorder to hide the rows I want, but need to find a way to put a button either on the worksheet or preferable on the toolbar (and have it show up on the toolbar for any computer that opens it… if possible).

Thanks in advance.


why not just make 2 sheets one for internal, one for external?

THIS. But populate the common fields of both sheets at the same time so u dont have to enter shit twice.

One of the key things they want is a just a single report. They don’t want to have an internal and an external report even if the fields are common. Not sure why, but thats what they say… lol. I think I’ve got the macro pretty well set up to do what I need, I just need to figure out how to make it an easy to use button rather than going into the menu every time to “activate” the macro. If I could get a single button that the secretary just has to press to activate the macro and hide all of the rows I set it to, that would be best.

Ok, well I got it mostly figured out. I made up 2 buttons that are on the home sheet that are linked to a “hide” macro and an “unhide” macro. They are working great, but my issue now is that even if I protect the entire workbook and protect the sheet, both buttons are still operable. I need to find a way to lock these buttons (or even better would be to hide them) whenever the workbook or sheet is protected. That way when we send the file to the customer, they won’t be able to select the buttons to enable the macros.
Thanks in advance.