need help on day trip to pittsburgh

pics of teh old lady!

Pittsburgh is now closed until pictures are posted.


Heinz history center, warhol museum, t rex in oakland, gus and yaya"s

take him to pegasus!

mike…sersiously…how bout an american girl already.

they wont touch him.

i live in baltimore … try finding a white girl that isnt pregnant or trailor trash u let me know



take her to the hill district and screw her in a alleyway

shes not black:wtf:

then turn her into a hood rat

and pittsburgh isnt the same? haha

are you fucking kidding me? Walk down Carson street at midnight on a Friday or Saturday.

now that’s a tour! hahaha


so did ya fuck her?

mike has not even gotten his last name yet…

thanks everyone… took her to the heinz museum,and all through southside, hit hoffenbrauwer house,kennywood, incline, overall it worked out well and the museum was nice too !
