Vacation V Pittsburgh PA

Ok so out of the blue the wife wanted to take a trip to Pitt on Friday after work… We have the Hotel and such in Zelienople… We are going shopping in Grove City on Saturday morning then coming home … what I would like to know is what are some good places to go while in Pitt…food (sub $40 for 2) or good sightseeing places we are not looking for a bar or club just something for the both of us … I would like to come threw the Mt. over the 3 rivers and take a walk around there I just dont know where it is

edit: john let me know the place to go

im heading down to pitt friday as well.

if you are into hip hop, my buddies are having their album release party friday night at the shadow lounge. couple live performances. should be a good time. if interested, let me know and I can get you more info.

also, make sure you eat at Primanti Brothers. The sandwiches are the best!!

Waterfront is cool for shopping. South Side is lined with shopping and bars/eateries. Station Square is cool as well. They have Hard Rock, and a bunch of other eateries/clubs/shopping. Strip District is a good party spot as well.

yeah pittsburg is pretty nice, i’m down there a few times a month w/ work

i know she wants to go to the pizza buffet thing

i use to go down with my old job but i never drove so i dont really rember where anything is and it was like 4 years ago :gotme:

station square is pretty neat but its not somewhere to go if you’re looking to save money. Ride the incline, that is very close to station square and thats a cheap touristey thing to do.

also, you might enjoy walking around point state park. right in the city, at the tip of the city where the rivers merge.

to come thru the tunnels, you will have to go thru the city and come back around since they are on the opposite side of where you would enter pittsburgh coming from buffalo.

Yeah i think that is the washington tunnel.

ya, the washington tunnel is the nicer one. There is also the liberty tunnel, but the best view coming out is definately washington as it meets the front end of the city.

well we are going to CiCi’s in Cranberry i know that

My bro lives in Zelienople, its a nice area. Make sure you stop at sheetz and order a delicious sandwhich. I FUCKING LOVE SHEETZ!! Oh and when you are in Grove city cross over the top of 79 and there is a mexican place on the right that is very good.

^^^ya, I’m pretty sure I know the mexican place you’re talking about and the food is amazing!

And they have real mexicans, i wasn’t sure if they got lost and set up shop there or what.

Primanti Bros, Mad Mex (Amazing), If you want to go shopping go to the Southside Works (, Squirrel Hill and Shadyside are nice little areas, and Oakland is Collegetown.

For Views/Touristy things, check out the view from Mt Washington, take a walk out to point park, or just walk around downtown, there is lots of cool architecture and it’s very people friendly/safe.

That’s the place that specializes in those sandwich things right? If so, I eat there a couple weeks ago :tup:

yup, your choice of meat with fries and cole-slaw on frech bread.

damn i miss Primanti’s.

the corned beef sandwich is so good…and I always get an egg on it as well :tup:

i should also add we will be getting to pitt 7pm ish and just spending a few hours there …

few hours…then definately hit up station square and take a ride up the incline to the top of Mt. Washington. pretty cheap to do, very cool view!

right down the street from there is southside where you can also go for food/drink in a short period of time.

the food i got covered we are going to cici’s

and i have been looking for the Mt info online… thats what i want to do … i once had dinner with zerodaze at one of the good rest. looking over the 3 rivers then we went to a bar near the big fish thingy

YES! mad mex is so amazing. I wish they would bring one here.