Need help tracking down a bike!/profile.php?id=100001099613809
Is that him?

Sent a message either way. We shall see.

518-894-0878 or 5 schaffer dr cohoes. That’s all the info I could find

I think that may be him, what did you say in the message?

I just called, he didnt pick up but his voice mail was his name! ill try again later

So he just called me back, still has the bike its in the exact same shape as it was 5 years ago, said he put ~30 hours on it since then!

He is going to toss around the idea of selling it and get back to me…

wow thats great. hopefully he sells it back.

Shapes did work

lemme guess, you use accurint?! thats what i used

Great news man, hopefully he wants to sell it back.

Yes sir. Gotta love the info you can get off of that.

Glad to hear that he got back to you. Hopefully he will sell it back to you.

good shit

Good work Shapes!

Is it a pay site?

OP, that is cool you got ahold of the guy!!! GL!!

It’s a site for government and law enforcement

So its been 10 days since i spoke with him, he said to give him a couple days to think about selling it and he would get back to me.

so how long am i supposed to wait shittt

Call him today. Talk cash monies.