Need help tracking down a bike

Bike: 2001 Yamaha Yz426F
Buyers name: Brian Gaylord
VIN: JYACJO1C21A011611
Location of sale: Niskayuna NY
Date of sale: 4/14/07
Sale price $2200

I managed to find a picture of the bill of sale and got the address of the buyer but i dont want to randomly show up at this house just yett, if hes even there

6 Murray Ave, Cohoes, NY 12047

The number listed was 518-782-0952 but it was no longer in service. The bike was last registered in my dads name in 2006, i suppose i could go to DMV and get a history of the registration, does anyone know what that costs?

UPDATE 8/9/11 I went to the address listed above, and he moved about 3 years ago to somewhere in Latham, the lady at the house didnt have any further information…

Also went through DMV and it was last reg. in my dads name, so thats a dead end

Im sure some of you guys know how to track people down, better then me using google so help me out!

need more details. why are we tracking him down??

op is high on marijuana

What else do you need? im not sure if i have much more

This was my dads bike, he passed away four years ago and i stupidly sold the bike so figured i would try to get it back

Oh, you’re trying to get it back :rofl

Your original post wasn’t very clear.

maybe your the one thats high on mary jane

I m

Reverse address lookup on doesn’t show Brian Gaylord as living at that address.

Says he lives on Schaffer Dr now:

get me the phone number for schaffer dr, that is deff him because i forgot to put in that his middle name started with a K



thats for an address in hudson, i thought we concluded that he lived in cohoes? i will call that number later today and see what happens

Yeah, but look on the map, Schaffer Dr is right around the corner. The map info is probably off but the phone # might be correct.

Just tried calling, no answer. I will try again tomorrow

Think i should check out the address that was on the check? stop by tomorrow and see if hes there if not then i can rule that out.

Go trick or treating there


UPDATE 8/9/11 I went to the address listed above, and he moved about 3 years ago to somewhere in Latham, the lady at the house didnt have any further information…

Also went through DMV and it was last reg. in my dads name, so thats a dead end

I will give $100 cash money to anyone who can find this bike

Nvm. Missed it.

If you have a name for the guy that would help a lot. I’m sure I could find it out at work tomorrow.

EDIT: I’m a retard and didn’t even look at the name in the first post. I’ll do some digging on him at work Tomorrow and see what I can come up with.

I know that bike. Dude has been riding at my house before.

no but seriously out on round lake I have seen a similar bike all studded up on the ice. Sadly that was a popular color scheme for the yz426f because it was different then the blue. I want the motor.