Need help with my Samsung LED TV

I have been noticing some distortion in the Samsung LED TV I got a few months ago. All of the red colors seem to jump up and down on the screen. If I turn the digital filter to High instead of Auto it stops so I’m assuming it might be either a bad HDMI cable or I may need to clean up the wiring in the closet. But when I turn the filter on it goes away, but as soon as I turn the TV off then back on it resets itself to Auto. How the hell can I save the settings so they don’t keep changing back?!?!

Shoot it !!!

Either a bad cable/interference or a bad board/input on the TV itself

I remember seeing your setup, how long is the HDMI cable run? Have you added anything new since the initial setup?

The fact that its not saving the setting is why I am suspicious of it being a bad board… Will it save other changed settings?

Try putting the cable in a different input on the TV, also try using another device, narrow it down

FWIW, if its a new TV which it sounds like, Samsung support is pretty legit… I had an issue with my 50C8000 Plasma, had a guy over the next day replacing the panel… Purchased the 3 year extended protection plan a few weeks (nice of them to send me a noticed as I got it now exactly a year ago) covers accidental damage as well.

Would rather pay that small fee then have to replace a at the time last year 2800 dollar TV especially considering I barely paid half that after sears got their ass chewed out :rofl

i need to clean up the wires anyways so I’ll try changing out the cable. As far as I know it doesn’t do it on any other settings so I don’t think its the output of the receiver or the hdmi cable run to the tv. I’m going to connect the tv hdmi straight to the cable receiver and see if that fixes it.

When you clean up the wires you can always put those choke magnets around them. They can be helpful in keeping your signal clean and they usually come with all tv’s.

I figured out why it wasn’t holding settings. It was stuck in “Shop Mode” which automatically reset all settings after 20mins. So I did a system reset and it fixed that aspect. So now I just have to clean up the wiring and hope it fixes it. If not the digital filters seem to be working for now.