Need ideas for custom paint for my bike helmet.

So I just recently bought this bike :

And along with this bike, I got this helmet :

Along with that helmet, I have a guy that can custom paint anything I want on my helmet to match the bike, or do any custom design or style or anything I want. :tspry:

But I have yet to come up with anything sweet that I like enough to have done.

I want something that roughly follows the color scheme of the bike and is so badass that it will scare away women and children.

In B4 lots of dildo/sexual/naked men related posts.

Ideas? :smiley:

Thanks. :smiley:

i think you should paint it like a human head but perhaps backwards… or a skull

keep it white, get a really dark black face shield, buy a white jump suit…

you’re the stig

white is HOT.

for realz.

Flat black with a dark black shield…then gixxer blue paint scheme with very thin white out lines…

mike i just sent u a pic to your phone of what skelator did to his helmet lol… that will scare everyone away

put jean-luc on it.

lolol i just got it. thats uh, unique! :stuck_out_tongue:

I guess I should add i also got this jacket :

I would just leave it white, but ehhh i want something siqqqq. maybe a great drawing of a 3rd gen doing a hairy burnout?? with blue smoke??? ftw. :stuck_out_tongue:

haha, or just a typical 3rd gen with bad valve seals blowing blue smoke.

lol, I should just have painted in a nice size on both sides, since thats what the cops reaction will be when he finally catches up to me to pull me over. :smiley:

jacket is siqqqq

alpine star FTW!

i got some schweet gloves 4 sale if u want them

Paint it to look like Mr. T’s head.
Then get a custom license plate: PTYFOOL

oh you mean bike as in motorcycle…I got the wrong idea from the title.

Blue scalops on each side with some black highlights.

paint it like ryan millers goalie mask :tup:

Or you should do a mural of beer labels. :lol:

make sure somewhere on the helmet he puts polish power :tup:

oh and “i sold my car to buy a 9 sec bike, but cobras > *”

photo-realistic painting of tubgirl.

Airbrush the GSX R logo real big over the whole thing then and paint the rest blue and white. Make sure the R is red too

i like pink. it’s pretty manly. c’mon.

just be classic and put “my other ride is your mom” on it.

thats what I was thinking