Need Iphone help

Coworkers i phone wont sync contacts from outlook, any fix for this, searched google and nothing is working.

Everything else syncs.

Firmware is the latest, outlook 2003 is being used. Itunes is the latest also.


Are you syncing with outlook software through itunes or over the air with exchange?

regular through itunes, no exchange.

i know this is obv, but you did tell it to sync contacts under the tab in itunes right?

lol yeah, all settings are good to go, just found out my phone isnt doing it either.

works great with thunderbird and funambol, but not outlook, go figure lol

yep did all that, still nothing.

the coworker shouldn’t have been a homo and got an iphone…

i have an iphone now too

my coworker got one nad just synced it fine.

did they reboot their computer after installing itunes? does anything else sync?

but the phone is soooo sexy!

ive seen your myspace pictures where you are naked and have the iphone covering your goods.

it was warming my balls

boxxa, lol everything is correct, rebooted, all that, im just going to use funambol i think, untill apple get shit sorted out, google shows tons of issues with syncing with outlook.

and rob, go play xbox, ohh wait, u cant its broken.

lol :slight_smile:


i got a laugh out of that.

I just watched someone do it with their new iPhone. They only issue they had was when they synced with exchange after, it told them they were going to clear their contacts out of their phone and resync. I thought it was pretty cool cuz if you have contact photos, they show up in outlook now.

Is this brand new? Have you tried to sync with Windows Contacts and see if that works? I prefer that method so I dont have personal accounts in my outlook.

tried windows addy book, and outlook, still no go.

Dumb question but does anything sync? Music, videos, etc? Is this phone originally setup with their laptop or did they bring it home and set it up and now want to use their work computer?

i set it all up, there is nothing else on the phone atm

There is the problem. Ask your girlfriend with her Mac Book to help out instead.


and why isnt Jay in here answering this