Need PC nerd help so dozer can get pics...

Ok I have a home pc running an illegal copy of windows media center, I loaded all my MP3’s and picstures (80gigs) onto a seperate drive (machine has an OS HD and Storage HD). Used windows activation crack, and it was fine for a while, then all of a sudden it says I need to register, and now the machine is locked and I can’t use it without a legit cd key. So short of pulling out the HD and buying an external HD case what can I do?


pull the HD out and put it in a different machine?

dont have a diff machine :bloated:

Do you have a valid copy of windows?

give it to me and ill fix it, might wanna get a reliable pirated copy next time :slight_smile:

Why won’t I ever give in and buy XP Pro for my 2-3 computers? It’s the one piece of software that can completely lock up my computer, yet I’ll pay for Sony Vegas and Propellerhead Reason, but I won’t cough up ~$200 for WinXP. I’m weird.

Anyone else in this boat with me?

you can find home for about 85 and pro for about 110 i believe…

Barrow HD from Toshiba, get a notebook to desktop IDE connector converter. Install Windows 2000 or XP on that HD, then you can get to your stuff…

you gave me the pirated copy :bloated:

i wont be in buff for a while, any quick fix?

yeah? how bad you want those pics :sexy:

NTFSDOS and do one pic at a time on the floppy…

ahaaha, well i have had no issues with mine, might wanna read the .nfo on how to disable that activation, some ver of xp that were released needed a .dll to be overwritten to disable the activation part of it.

Ok, this works everytime for me. call windows, say your HD crashed and you need a replacement activation key, they will ask for the old one. come up with something to convince them you lost it or its long since gone. Moved, fire, i dont know. They will fork over a new key and you should be fine.

Ship your HD to me, I can pull the photos off, and I’ll ship it back.

I’ll burn the rest of your stuff to DVD’s if you buy the DVD’s.

I’ll pay for shipping.

Result = Dozr and Lafengas get thier photos, Zwarbyt gets his other shit, everyones happy.

Try booting in safe mode,i think thats what I did when I got locked out.Then I installed a crack in safe mode.

send all your hard drives to me…

duh :roll:

Download Knoppix, a linux livecd, burn to cd, and boot off of cd. Upload shit to FTP server.

That’s probably your quickest route…

would this work?

the PC is so old i might just junk it ( i think its like 800mhz pentium II) lol