Need Retaining spring clip ASAP!!!!

I need the retaining spring clip for the rear caliper on my 84 Trans am. I am missing 1 and I can’t finish my car without it. Only have to finish the rear passenger side caliper and the beast is ready! If anybody has this let me know. I can’t find them anywhere!! It’s the clip that holds the pad onto the brake piston.

take ur time they salted everywhere today… doubt u want to drive in this shit

yeah. tdown to the salt. my work wheels don’t like it… and my sp9000s like it even less.

Oh I know. and the undercarriage of my car is like absolutly spotless! The subfame has literaly like no rust on it at all. Only rust is on the suspenssion componants and that stuff. The actual body of the car though is 99.99% rust free. I need this clip though so I can get the thing out of storage. Cant drive it to get it inspected till its done and I’m paying $35 a month for storage…not too bad…but its already been 5 months in there and I don’t want to add any more time lol. That and I am dying to drive my baby.

I prolly have one…can u give me a pic?

it looks like a C with a hook on each end of the “c” and a small lip on the bottom.

I’ll check in my garage tonight. I’m 99% sure the Fiero used the exact same clip. I tossed a bunch of Fiero parts the last time I cleaned, but I might still have one of those kicking around.

Does it look like the clips in this picture:

EDIT: Maybe not since you said it looks like a “C”

nope, thats the wrong one. This one looks like a “C” and on the ends of the c there are hooks, and at the bottom there is like a step.