Need some help here

My radio died in my car a few weeks ago, then it suddenly worked again. I have power to the radio, but it seems like my amps arent getting power as none of the power lights on the amps are lit. So today i pulled everything apart and noticed this.

Should this connect to the amp remote wire? Fucking electronics!!!

I dunno all this shit is confusing to me.

that is exactly what happened, looks like the remote came off, no remote = no signal to turn on the amp(s). reconnect it (preferably solder and shrink wrap the connection) and you should be cool

are those the correct wires tho?

lol kevin you’re such a noob.

yea, that needs to be connected and you should be good to go :tup:

i guess i should learn this incase i get the call for the electronic apprentiship huh


just pokin fun.

so you said to me on MSN about 5 hours ago you were goin to work on it - you fix it? :stuck_out_tongue:

ehh no it didnt work, no power to amps, grounds look ok, i dunno wtf is up.

just bring it by

or if derick becomes busy i will be at mighty and i always have my test light in my car

Cartoons are almost over … so if ya wanna bring it buy … ill be here all night

sir they are never over

lol wtf, derick bring it by where?

Update–Tested all connections today, i have remote power to amp. I also tested my main wire going to the battery, I have power there also. I just seems im not getting main power to my amps, Main power cable is good at the fuse box, but inbetween there and the amp it goes by by. I dont think it could be that distro block, and it would be quite a coincidence that both of my amps blew.

See why i hate this shit…lol


did you test the thick power wire connected to the battery before or after the fuse and if before then you can fig. out the rest

yep, tested before and after.

Kevin … call me 465-2820

to much peanut butter in there would be my guess.

i dont like PB, it turned out it was steak gristle