Need Some Laptop Input

With my tax return coming I wanted to pickup a laptop. Mainly just for web browsing, music and basic troubleshooting.

My criteria for one is as follows:
Price: <= $750
Memory: 2GB+
HDD: 160+

I’m looking to buy NEW from a reliable site. I’ve been looking into the HPs but have heard some mixed reactions about them.

Anyone have any suggestions

for the things you listed, Eee PC

walmart $498

4gb ram
220 gb HD
14.5in widescreen

its the one online for 698 but in store its 498 and they are selling fast

I just got one

How are the ASUS laptops?

Those laptops look pretty cool, but I was going to mention keeping the screen size about 15.4 - 17"

I’ve been recommending Eee Pc’s to a lot of people lately, for the price and needs you can’t go wrong.

you will hear mixed reactions about every type of laptop. I bought my gateway last year and love it but some people i know hate them.

I had a cheap 499 special HP laptop my freshman year in college that lasted 5 1/2 years being abused and the only thing that happened was the battery didn’t hold a charge.

Find one you like and make sure it has a good warranty is all you can home for really.

why bother with a laptop? just get a desktop if you need a screen that big

The Eee PC rocks

I do have a desktop, But my eyesight isn’t that great. So I kinda wanted to keep the screen larger. It’s the same reason I rufuse to watch TV/Videos on a 2.5" screen via ipod/cell phone. I’ll look into those Eee PCs a little more though.

Get an Eee PC and connect it to a monitor when not mobile.

check out the laptop at walmart

Well I plan on using this when I’m not at my desktop, so connecting it to a monitor wouldn’t be practical.

Might just do that…

I never understood the practicality of large laptops either (see 17")… lol.

yeah 17" is a little big I’d like to go for a 15.4 if possible.

its not on line anymore but the 498 one at walmart is a

hp pavilion dv 250 w/o fingerprint shit

I picked up a toshiba A305-s6898 from BB before Christmas for 750 + tax, great laptop. I’d been looking hard at that price range.
I’m sure it’s cheaper now, or something comparable would be.
Specs are 4GB 800MHz PC6400 DDR2, 320GB HD, 2.0GHz Core2duo (T5800 Centrino 2), 15.4" LCD, ATI graphics, Wifi, DVD burner, webcam, HDMI out, Firewire, etc. It even has the dual monitor output mode for giving presentations, similar to macbooks.
Has an awesome looking finish, and pretty fast (good video processor) for a laptop of this price range.
downside: no bluetooth (didn’t matter to me)
The latest Toshiba’s seem to be reliable, and not prone to overheating like some earlier models.

For most people 15.4’’ is as large a screen as youd want to go.

Might find something good on newegg too.

From what I noticed, most mass market laptops are horrible. In terms of build quality, and overall reliability. Everyone I know with a laptop has had some serious issues with it within a year or two. Apple notebooks appear to be better in terms of reliability, but im sure that is not a viable option for you whatsoever. Asus knows what theyre doing, the Eee is a quality unit. But its lacking in the performance category… If you can handle the pathetic processing power and small screen and keyboard, the Eee is very good.

Really… there is no ‘good’ portable computer for under $1k.

I dunno if I believe that…This laptop doesn’t have to be top of the line…something to browse the internet on, but also something that isn’t going to take 5 hours to load programs.

Im not saying its a poor device, im just saying dont intend to do anything but casual web browsing on it.