Need some sincere advice

and i just gotta say, to keep it real that you can’t knock the kid 100% cuz most guys who are feelin a girl and want them, really are not gonna back off because of some boyfriend… we all been there and most girls arent single when we meet them anyways, so its a common thing to work around the boyfriend deal …

its more about her and if she gives in to what hes doin then its really not something u can just go to him about and beat his ass over, cuz then there is gonna be the next guy etc… if the chick is good and REALLY wants to be with you only then u wont have to worry about no one pullin her

and i mean that also goes with like… if your doin her good like treatin her well and bein a man that u gotta be she shouldnt have to leave you, unless shes not tryin to be in a relationship, still is immature and cant sit still etc