need someone to do roof work

last weeks storms moved a couple shingles around on my roof. looking for someone to repair those couple shingles. think they can be re nailed and sealed? the spot on roof is about 30-35 feet off the ground. the roof is fairly steep pitch. i have ladder here and everything to fix it. just don’t have the balls to walk on roof lol.

i have tried twice but two things i hate are heights and ladders. let me know of anyone who would be interested. i just need an able bodied person to go on the roof for a little bit. can’t imagine being a time consuming job. thanks in advance

Jeff, my dad and/or I can come out and take care of it for you… Shouldn’t be any issues if the shingles are still up there, no problems with leaking… Do you still have my #? Txt me tomorrow and let me know what your schedule is like.

Be a MAN jeff ! ! GET ON THE ROOF…lol

I need an entire roof… so hook me up as well.

I think we could make a harness for you and dangle you from the tree and you could fix it?

awesome dan sending you message now

PM sent Chad.

thank you sir
