Need someone who can fix my leaky gutters! Cheektowaga

Anyone in the area know someone who fixes gutters? I don’t have any idea what’s wrong but they’re not plugged up with junk and yet they are still leaking all over the front garden and killing plants. Need them fixed soon.

you’re problem isn’t the gutters…it’s the 20+" or rain we’ve had. (problem still may be the gutters)

Can refer you to a friend. We’re too jammed up right now. Let me know.

Might not be pitched properly or the downspout is plugged.

the question is what kind of leak is it?
is the water going over the edge, or is it actually leaking out of the gutter

Did anyone happen to see the show where Vanilla Ice renovates mansions? He said the gutter was as long as a football field but, I think he doesn’t realize yards are longer than feet. lol
Anyway, he had ONE downspout on a gutter that was at least 100 feet (maybe 100yards) coming off a huge roof. The first big Florida rain storm just pelted the new uni-lock patio and pretty much ruined it. You had to see it. lol

They seem to be leaking from between the gutter and the house itself. The water is actually dripping off the house. I can’t imagine they’re overflowing… I have tried hammering the gutters tighter, but that didn’t really help at all.

Somtimes if the roofers don’t hang the shingles over the drip edge far enough, you get water rolling back up the drip and between the gutter and metal fascia just by surface tension. You could silicone caulk the gutter to the fascia or make thin metal strips out of aluminum sheet stock to tuck under the shingle so the water falls into the gutter.