Need someone with a truck..

(Wasn’t sure where to put this)

Anywho, like the title says, Brandon and I are in need of a truck to bring back a frame for our Monte Carlo. The frame is located in PA about 3 hours from here. We would pay for gas and anything else you wanted as payment (within reason lol)

This would REALLY help us out since we’ve never seen a deal quite like this before and it’s exactly what we need. Also it would have to be on a weekend (this weekend if you can).

Thanks a lot
-Nichole :slight_smile:

I’ll talk to my buddy for ya… he’d probably be willing to help ya out for a few bucks

Thanks a lot Steve :slight_smile:

how big are we talking, I will be driving through PA tomorrow

It’s a full frame off of an '86 Monte

holy crap they had frames on those cars still? hmm.


Youd be better off with a trailer. If its still got wheels on it just rent a Uhaul car dolly.

Just a frame… no wheels

Well then youre gonna need a flatbed or a flat trailer. No way in hell would a frame fit in a pickup bed.

my friend will do it but how the hell you gonna stap a frame in a six ft bed.

Its not even possible with an 8 foot bed. Due to a frame being heavy its gonna want to tip towards the end and it wont be safe.

where in pa i have a trailer and i live 20 min from erie pa