need suggestion. help

hi my name is ken

i have a 92 nissan 240sx , 280000km. 5 speed. just found out the engine got some problem(gasket.water meter go hot,…). and the mechanic suggestion me to get a normal engine (i don’t know anything about engine) and installation for $2000 or get a turbo engine for $5000. how do i have that much money man??? i 'm goin back to hk next year march , and may give the car to my girlfriend. should i get a new engine, or rebuild it , or just sell it??? how much do u think my car can sell? or anyone know where can i get the cheapest engine , and where i can install it.

thank you for all the brother who try to help me.
good day

Hey man what’s up.

Well you can grab another kade motor from lots of people here, in good shape too, for under 400 bucks. Swaping it in is very easy and can be done in a day.

If you sell the car, how much for depends on condition it’s in and if your sellnig as is or fixing up any problems including the engine.

Best to figure out exactly what you want to do then ask for help or suggestions as it’s just to broad now.

Good luck though and let us know what you’ve decided and we’ll go from there.

Take care.

Easy 8)