Need the help of NYSpeed

lol hes gonna go home get bored sign up on nyspeed to keep his unemployed self busy see this post and kill you

na but thatd be crazy right

he will file for unemployment and get awarded. your company will take him to the court. judge will treat your company like shit and award him his benifits

100% suck. People asked him to develop reports for them six months ago and never saw them. I asked him three months ago to add a network printer to the Unix machine (I know nothing of Unix) and it never got done. He told me that he needed to see the physical location of the printer before he could add it to the server. WTF!!! The guy was a complete waste of space. Since he left yesterday, we brought in a guy we used to have doing that job on a contract basis and ALREADY has completed six things that we have been waiting on FOREVER.