Need to rent a fender rolling tool


Is there anyone on here with access to a fender rolling tool? The Eastwood one?


Doesn’t Domination Chassis have one?..I could be mistaken, PM member Dominator on here and ask

There is a STICKY on it in this section of the forum

the roller is located in Mt. Pleasant

Ok… yea… thanks… I tried contacting/PM slowcamaro a few days ago… Just wondering if there is anyone else.

I hope he responds…b/c I can just drive to Mt. Pleasant and pick that up.


ok… thanks for the lead…

we have it here,come rent it

sorry i been out of town…you can get it off of pewter and not to far away…

Ok… cool… I’ll stop by jj’s to come pick it up? I’ll call first to make sure it’s available… thanks.

Thats the only fender roller I got!


no more like Mt Pleasant