need wiring diagram

hey can anyone get me a wiring diagram for a 1993 cutlass. i need one for the taillights. it keeps popping fuses when i turn on the headlight switch. thanks!


pepboys will print it out for u. goto the elmwood store tell joe that used to work here sent me

and dont tell em you know diddy, they’ll kick you right out,lol

no they will laugh u cause hes a little snitch who crys like a little girl and rats himself out


hey can anyone get me a wiring diagram for a 1993 cutlass. i need one for the taillights. it keeps popping fuses when i turn on the headlight switch. thanks!



Send me an e-mail @ and I’ll send you a PDF of the schematic (Any of them); I’ve got the Mitchell 1 Ondemand repair software with all the info you’d need on it.

check your radio …


no they will laugh u cause hes a little snitch who crys like a little girl and rats himself out


lol, Nooo :biglaugh: