Needed: a nerd who is smart.

Alright boys.

I need help buying something. I’m not up to date with technology on these things. So i need some help. PM me if you want to help me. And i will give you a whole 10 dollars for the 20 mins of your time that it will take me.

PM me, hit me up on AIM and we have a deal. It takes some internet research and my credit card.

help me :frowning:

Lay Z

You are already on the internet…


you dont understand i’m clueless with this shit. I’m smart in all other areas :wink:

and i found my help. thank u

What kind of things? There is no doubt I am a nerd. Not sure how smart I am though…

you need a nerd, nerds needs newds



nerds have porn for that.

Loool, nerdy like woah.

Aren’t all nerds smart?

Dumb nerds are geeks.

Needed: a girl who pays with sexual favors for stupid/silly requests.

go to google… type in some words… voila! your answers appear!


thanks smart ass.

but i did need help putting things together. thanks for the advice though. :wink:

I’d help, but my cable at home is down… literally. The line from my house to the pole is laying on the ground under a few branches :frowning:

Parents having T1 line > *

thank you everybody :slight_smile:

i’m all set now.

[size=2][color=Black]this thread is every nerds dream a girl lookin for a nerd

WTF is with my text??

Correction, that would be a nerdy girl that is also into cars. :wink:

Though I’m fairly certain that doesn’t exist. Or if they do they are down in the basement playing WoW like most nerds in the first place so noone would know.

what is going on here.


nothing to see here, move along :snky:

We arent the droids you’re looking for :obi wan:

i think the most leet gift ever would be a Ferrari enzo.

and listen to me… im pretty nerdy