Needed: Replacement Dell 8400 Case

anyone know where i can get a replacement computer case for my dell 8400 pc? ive checked ebay already

lol what happened? usually people have to replace the stuff inside :lol:

just curious

oh, no idea… maybe dell can get you one?

opening it up one time, i cracked something accidentally that holds the case closed. so part of the top of the case is open. i dont want all this dust to get in there. i just got some tape on it now

Just buy another case… any case should do, right?


ebay or ebay.

Dell will soak you more then the computer is worth.

I spotted parts on ebay that said 8400/4700 so im willing to bet that they are the same case.

He needs a dell case because they’ve got funky switches that are proprietary to the dell cases only and they plug into the motherboard via a ribbon cable.:tdown:.

id rather get the actual 8400 case tho cus the 4700 is still different from it.

Whats so different about the case that you cant just buy another, and swap all the parts? Did they do the whole switcharoo, motherboard on the other side thing?

im looking for another 8400 case. like Jon said, you cant just buy a random case. the shits gotta align right. im not gonna risk it by buying a different 1

I have a dimension 8400 in the office right now. Pentium 4 3.0 HT, with a HUGE heatsink, with no fan attached, but a fan out the back. Media Center Edition. That the case?

I will check it out tomorrow and respond :slight_smile:

why can’t you just extract everything out and put it on a new case?

some special parts by dell which requires that exact case?

the 8400 is the case i need. i went on dell forums and they said its a pain if you’re going to use a different case.