i’ll be on this tonight, i stopped at the end of the viper ACR race, couldn’t believe how that t-bird dusted those guys like they weren’t moving, that thing scooted!
It was just footage from one of the Buschur shootouts that happens in Ohio
i caught it, he was running the white colt right?
and now I wish I didn’t watch this show, that poor RX-2
The electric car guy was super cocky too. “I don’t know what happened.” Sure you do; you fucked up.
I almost punched my screen when he said something along the lines of that…doesn’t take an idiot to figure out, your rear got loose, you kept on the throttle, the video clearly showed abel under control in his lane and that idiot sliding into him, abel posted a picture on his IG of the skid marks, its about as clear as this damn snow and ice we’ve still been getting
I am still angry about this lol
I watched a few of them. it’s good background TV, but nothing amazing to watch and feels very manufactured and that half the drivers don’t even know much about cars or even own them.
I’d rather watch supercar suspects on youtube where some dumbass documents all the crazy street antics in LA like intersection takeovers and highway rollracing.
Bump, season 2 coming September 1st.
Started watching season 2. Pretty good so far, some interesting builds. I know it’s just drag racing but the stories behind the drivers are always pretty unique.
Started watching season 2 as well. Love the Civic AWD, The ridiculously awesome Mini, and the cross country Hilux. Pretty cool show but seems like they just search for people with high horsepower and some history of life problems. (Parent/guardian passing away, drugs, accident, etc) I mean I guess everyone has a story but they really seemed to search them out.
I’m interested in watching the first season since I haven’t. I’d watch more for sure either way.
Wait the n/a civic that lost weight during the race was high hp?
The episodes (winners) have certainly been predictable. I am about halfway but that mini was awesome! Would be nice to change up some of the supercars though, so many McLarens.
lol that was kind of funny. Dude is dumping way too much money into a car he apparently can’t drive. Breaks it every single time he drives. Hell he blew his fender off… lol
The AWD one though… That’s a BEAST!!! 1000hp AWD civic.
Decent show. A lot of drama for 15 seconds of action. Seemed like it was McLaren sponsored. I liked a few of the supercar owners they picked. The vlogger and the wrap shop owner were actually “car people”. The Tesla kid didn’t know his ass from his elbow, but he was at least into racing. The female mclaren driver was rad too.
I absolutely HATED the awd civic owner. Car was rad af though.
The outcome on the final race was just a bummer. Wish it would have been a clean pass.