Netflix Instant Watch Movie/Show thread!

Been watching House of Cards. I’m enjoying it. It’s Netflix’s own show, starring Kevin Spacey. Gist of it is the Majority Whip is promised Secretary of State for helping the new pres win, but he doesn’t get it. So he decides to make himself pres.

On season 6 of “24” right now. Pretty good show, but some of the seasons got boring at times.

Watched all of Lost. great at the beginning…

Red Bull Return to Millen Mountain

The Increasingly Poor Decisions of Todd Margaret.


American Horror Story (season 1)

Coma (2 part miniseries)

Pink Floyd Dark Side of the Moon

Pearl Jam 20

Bad Ass


Being John Malkovich

Zack Galifinachis Live at the Onion.

Yeah, been spending too much time watching Netflix at night lately. LOL

Lol, I actually cancelled cable and strictly watch netflix now and it’s been great.

Always sunny in Philly

Rules of engagement is what I have watching lately! Both decent and funny.

still got my $200 a month cable/phone/internet :banghead

Makes my 7.99 Netflix work though. :dunno

$51 for internet and steal my sister’s account on Netflix. win

Fucker I was just going to post this myself.

:smiley: Good 44 minutes worth of climb to the clouds…

yes FTW

love old Dad driving the drift car… and WINNING.

I know right, brings him on the team and uses his races to help determine tire specs for the unlimited car and then his dad takes home the win and record for the class. epic.

Breaking Bad
Battlestar Galactica
Troll Hunter
Always Sunny
The League
The Office
Family Guy

Battlestar Galactica hasn’t left my queue since they put that series on there.

Tricia Helfer FTMFW :ahh:ahh:ahh:ahh

Between Netflix and free streaming of movies that you can find online I’ve been cable free for a number of 3+ years now without any regrets.

There is no way Danielle would let our house be “cable free”. The Biggest Loser, Jerseylicious, Chicagoliicious, American Idol, The Bachelor, ect., ect. The TV is hers, until she goes to bed, every night. LOL.

Same here, wifey owns the screen and 90% of the DVR space