Some TV Show suggestions

I just finished Game of Thrones Season 1 and 2. Holy fuck I love this show.

Looking for some more shows to pick up, would like the suggestions from your favorites.

I started to download True Blood, but JayS said it was kind of shit.


I actually watched Season 1 and started 2 and got side tracked from it. Should go back and pick up where I left off.

True blood is nearly unwatchable.
Watch curb your enthusiasm or arrested development for the lolz.

Game if thrones was good…I’m thinking about getting into Rome on hbo Go.
I just started Brody Stevens Enjoy it. So far so good.

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Are you into comedies or dramas?
for comedies:
Eastbound & Down
curb your enthusiasm
House of Lies (especially if you work in a corporate job- part drama, part comedy, all awesome)
Always Sunny
The League

Breaking Bad
Mad Men
Boardwalk Empire
Walking Dead


Breaking Bad ,Sons of Anarchy,Weeds (First 3 seasons were most enjoyable,kinda meh after that) and for the lulz I watch Curb your enthusiasm and Its always sunny in Philadelphia

I just watched Mad men season 1 and 2 on netfucks, its great. Kinda dry and depressing but I love it. Walking dead season 1 on netflix. Dexter, sookies tits, curb, east bound, veep is kinda funny on HBO, I wanna tart watching sons of anarchy next.

Already caught up on it

I like both, I will see about checking out some of those. Though I cannot stand Curb your Enthusiasm for some reason.

walking dead

No, what I said was it was Twilight with some tits and ass thrown in. And no amount of tits and ass is going to make Twilight ok.

On to some recommended shows:

Breaking Bad
Sons of Anarchy
Parks and Recreation
The Walking Dead

Yeah, I’ll toss in Weeds too. The first 2 seasons were great then it went downhill. This latest season has been really good though.

I tried to get into Mad Men but just couldn’t do it. It’s nothing but a daytime soap opera with a big set budget.

Breaking bad!!

One more, Arrested Development

damn you guys watch alot of tv. i dont even know what most of those shows are.

i like its always sunny and big bang theory. lately ive been watching alot of the shows on history and discovery when i actually do watch tv.

archer, breaking bad, weeds, falling skies, suits, fringe, dexter, walking dead


I turn the tv on when a lady comes over and even then it’s mostly for movies only. Can’t remember the last time I actually sat down and turned the damn thing on looking for a specific show to watch or attempt to keep up to date on.

homeland if anyone hasnt mentioned it

i just watched all 6 seasons of dexter in a matter of a couple weeks

Hmmm… we like a lot of the same shows and I haven’t seen falling skies. Guess I’ll check it out.

Its decent. Its not breaking bad quality, but the storyline is interesting and the acting isnt bad. Its basically a day to day “war of the worlds” type storyline.