Netflix Instant Watch Movie/Show thread!

I know there is already a movies thread but this will be specific to movies/shows that can be found on Netflix Instant Watch. Please post up great movies that you have watched or can be found on Netflix Instant Watch for others who maybe a have a bit of down time at work :ninja.

I’ll start with a few:

The Other Guys
Myth Busters
Top Gear

And go!

East bound and down


YESS Kenny F*cking Powers!!! We don’t do netflix, but we loved all seasons of Entourage!!!



And ‘Trailer Park Boys’ :rofl

I like ‘Bleach’ and love ‘Claymore’ a lot too, but thats my anime kick.

Eastbound and Down is not available to watch instantly!

if you want all the seasons i have them burned except for 5 and 6… im hooked, this show is soooo good. watch 9 episodes of season 5 today alone. and im finishing up the last three right now…

Dexter is fucking awesome man! Season 2 and 4 fucking rock! Tried to rep you but have to spread more…

Trailer Park Boys Seasons 1-7 and movie
Arrested Development Seasons 1-3

Need Dexter discs.

Sons of Anarchy
drawn together
the office
shutter island

Spartacus is epic

Really ‘Drawn Together?’ Worst want to be edgy cartoon ever. I would say watch ‘Superjail!’ but its not on Netflix.

The girl made me watch ‘Shutter Island’ cause Leo is so dreamy, or some shit. Was actually an awesome movie.

haha yeah dude, just finished watching 5 last night. once i start watching it i cant stop. they leave you with cliffhangers at the end of each episode and i need to know what happens! haha.

yes yes yes it is haha, some of the sex scenes in there are borderline type shit lol.

shutter island was reallly good, i enjoyed it from what i remember.

great thread idea,

Only one i can think of now is Gangland. ( Because you guys put up all the other good shows i watch)

legit show, i just started watching Brotherhood on demand. Its okay, kinda slow, but ive heard some decent reviews of it so i figured id give it a shot.

The IT crowd is a hilarious british show def worth checking out.

I dare someone to watch Welcome To America. Longest movie EVER. I did it. It’s an epic movie.

The Hustler
Breaking Away
Escape from New York
Blackboard Jungle
Bill Burr: Let it go
Party Down <-- Epic LOLZ