network wide forums

are these really needed? I think one off-topic is enough.


The other sites do not have regular off topic. The network off topic is their off topic. We can kill the NYSpeed off topic if you like, but we figured that we were doing what you would all want when we left it separate.

Naw it’s nice being able to have an uncivilized conversation without cultural issues mucking it up.

it would be the same result either way you think of it. just makes it hard to pick where to post something off-topic. just sayin.

+1. I like that we still have our NY off topic where the international crew doesn’t come fuck everything up.


The Canadians can’t see our Off Topic.

I can only take a very limited amount of “peace be upon him” and “infidels from the west” which is why I don’t go to network wide OT much. :slight_smile:

I’ve seen bing in there… BAN. :smiley:


you guys need your own off-topic for the reasons mentioned…

plus, it will only become more and more obvious that you need your own as we grow the network.

if you think the issue deserves a larger audience put it in the network… if there is any reason to keep it amongst locals or just not relevant to the Canadians then keep it in the NY OT.

I kinda feel like the network OT section will have subsections for finance, home stuff etc. etc. when the user-base is significantly larger… but that is just speculation… maybe internet brands will do a hostile take over just to piss off MPD.