NetZero/AIM issue?

I’m at my girlfriends, and they finally dumped AOL and got NetZero High-Speed. There is no broadband out where she lives so it had to be a dialup internet.

Now, everything is working nicely, and the internet itself is way better than AOL was. Problem is, AIM isn’t working, and it’s claiming that the AIM service cannot be reached. I tried auto-config. the connection preferences and it seems to not recognize any sort of connection available?

What exactly is going on? How can I get AIM working?

Are you sure your internet is connected when you try and start AIM? I had NetZero and it always dropped my connection… atleast 10 times an hour. Ugh.

It definately has a connection and it’s way better than AOL, so I have no idea what the problem is…


The Windows Firewall is disabled, lemme check NetZero settings. maybe there is an internal Netzero firewall. Connection-wise it is incredible compared to AOL.

oh god…clientlogic memories…you do realize the extra money for netzero hispeed just makes her pictures shitty right?

First off, picture quality looks identical to that of AOL, except they actually load.

Secondly, you are not assisting in one bit, so answer the question at hand.

i meant that netzero hispeed vs. netzero- all the difference is that it makes your pictures load crappier. if you like netzero as a former TS agent i would advise saving $5 a month and getting the regular one.
and I would check the system for firewall software

Problem solved, Norton wazs blocking the internet connection and causing AIM to not recognize the connection.

As for the highspeed. It’s 56k. We’ll gladly take the “lower” picture quality that is hardly noticable for the quickness the overall pages load in comparison to standard 56k. This compared to AOL is amazing. Plus, if you want to see the picture in higher quality you can select that. But then you’re right back at super slow load times and slow bullshit.