New 180sx look of Japan?

I see a lot of these kit’s starting to pop up on 180Sx’s in Japan.

I’m kinda both ways on them…

…I like them, but at the same time I hate them.

What do you think?

i hate the enzo kit


fucking ugly

:vom: :vom: :vom:

Saw the one f those for sale for import on Terra2 :vom:

haha… Chris wishes he has 4 hands so he can give those body kits 4 thumbs down.


Sorta looks like a riced out cavy!!!

when you say that you hate the kit do you hate the complete kit? cus i think the fenders look fucking awesome! the enzo bumper isnt all that great but i think the rest of the car looks pretty wicked ( im reffering to the red one)

:cry :vom: :vom:

the enzo kit for r32 is much better from that company. 180 is ruined, i have nightmares! :rolleyes:

Completely horrid, except for the way they did the rear window on the red one. I actually quite like that.

I would drive the red one if it had a better looking front bumper. Can you say 335’s on the rear!!! :E

yah change the front bumper and overall its a decent widebody. i like the rear look it has.

dont like em…but if someone gave me it… :smiley:

I guess i am the odd one out. Change the tail lights to something nicer and i would buy it

It does look pretty close to an enzo, love the side picture, looks crazy from there, not really a fan of the bumper though.

the ferrari enzo kit? hahahah fugly as hell

I love the bumper lights mounted backwards.

talk about ricey :vom: :vom: :vom: :vom: