New addition to the family

Got her from the SPCA today. This cat rocks! Perfect addition to the other 2 furrbutts running around here. lol

good for you picking one up at the spca…your a good dude:tup:

I’d rather have a dog but thats just me

We were going to get a kitten but they have no problem getting adopted. We went for a bit older. I figure private owners make sure they all get homes whereas a lot of people overlook the SPCA.

as long as they all get along and the new one isn’t crazy…lol

did they try to get you to adopt 2 of them? when me and kyle went to get his, they were like “take 2!”

oh yeah, he looks happy lol

Nice pussy Butch.


Nah, we had 2 already. I’m old, but not old enough to that old man with a bunch of cats yet. lol

looks sassy. i like it.