New American Flags vs. Emerald's Hook and Ladder truck

Well, I got stuck today and needed our new flags put up since the bucket truck that was supposed to do it decided to break.

I asked the Emerald’s for some help and they stretched the ladder across the inventory and got almost every pole on the first try. I think Ladder Trucks are quite possibly the coolest trucks ever made.


How did they waste money? And it says no where that it was volunteer.

well all surburbs are VF. and its always fun to take the truck out

how is it wasting money?

Chiefs driving around town in their brand new SUVs that they are given is a waste of money


well the police dept is right across the street so i assume the fire station is nearby is nearby :stuck_out_tongue:

Don’t you guys have regular ladders lol? We had like 4 at our dealership

It gave them an excuse to drink.

come on they dont need a excuse… did it all the time when i was a WSVF

Alcoholics always use excuses. Even the excuse that they don’t need an excuse.

should be noted that ‘volunteer’ doesn’t nessecarily mean ‘not paid’

very true beer is the best payment…

Hey why not consider this a form of training? How many times do they get to use the ladder truck? Better to know everything works and provide a service at the same time.

E-one :gay:

I got some cool pics from a trade show I was at last week I need to post up

LZ since you seem to be nothing more than a total jackass… as usual… I’ll explain:

We are having a car show in July that will raise close to 6000 for the fire dept and everytime one of them buys a vehicle I write a check for 200 bucks to the fire dept… not to mention my business pays more tax to the town than I really want to think about.

thanks for your input though.

You scratch my back I’ll scratch yours!

I love how no one has ever had a g-job done for them before. Cool pictures, it takes some good engineering to build those bad boys.

Thanks exactly the answer I was looking for…


without a doubt. the only thing i have against this particular one is that i’m pretty sure it has an aluminum ladder. i don’t know about you, but i wouldn’t want to be suspended 100’ in the air over fire in a aluminum ladder that weighs x,xxxlbs. screw payload…

they really are something sweet.went to florida a year and a 1/2 back to see our new ladder truck being designed and built

Well I guess it would really depend on what type of aluminum it is and how it was constructed.

I know what you mean though, a lot of what people conceive as being safe is all in their mind. Hell I bet they could make a ladder out of plastic that would hold up fine, and also be able to withstand high temps, but there wouldn’t be any firemen who would use it! lol