New battery allready WTF?!

Welll my car has been having starting probs…again, for the past 2 weeks so before my warrenty is up i took her in and apparently i have a dead battery! what is the life on these bad boys>? i mean really 3 yrs and she cuts out, does that makes sense? but it was brutal i had to call AMA 2 times to boost me, once today to get to the dealership, they only took lik e40min, and once 2 weeks ago and they took almost 2 hrs! anyways does this make any sense, or was my battery just a piece of mexican crap

3-5 years the average battery life.

but there are exceptions. my battery was the origional in my car. 93-05. 12 years

I bet they put the same battery in all Sentras, which don’t appear to be remotely suited to our cold environment. I’ve noticed when it gets quite cold that my battery is also a little weaker than normal…and to be honest I probably should have replaced it with an aftermarket piece.

Anyway, are you getting another battery under warranty?

-15< my battery is begging for mercy.

well under warrenty they pay part of the battery, and i looked at the listed price…75, and i paid 75…some deal. but labor under warrenty, and they cleaned the terminals for a steal of a deal, 20 bucks :roll: . but the battery they put in is half the size if that of the stock one, so its kinda nice, not sure how muc hshe ways, but it says right on it hassel free battery, so it better be! but yah hopefully this one is better, cause its gunna be colder in vermillion prob than here

I need a new Battery in mine too, and yes I have been told the batteries in the Sentra is a Piece of Garbage, Anyhow just so your not teh only one.

Mine lasted 2 years. Died once turning the car over trying to get it to start after a fuel pump issue. Recharged it. Lasted maybe a month. Have a Motomaster Eliminator in it now. Works awesome.

This is the battery that all of you guys need to put in your ride :E

Yep my Specs battery is on it’s last legs. I have to plug my car in under -10 or it won’t start. I’ll get around to putting in a new one in a couple weeks or something.