After winter storage, i'm worried...

My baby finally see sunlight. B4 the storage, i put fuel stabilizer into fuel tank, took the wheels off and put the car on stands.

One thing i missed is… BATTERY. I know, i thought it disconnectd the negative connector. Untill 3 days ago i realized i didnt.

The indicator on the battery shows “insufficiently charged” (not “distilled water”). B4 i took it out the electronic on the car still works. So the battery still has little juice left.

My concern is… what should i do now? I was told i should charge the battery by one of those auto battery charger.

This battery is very rare; its from Japan and manufractured by one of the best in Japan. Thus, i want to correctly restore the charge.


Charge the battery and see if it holds the charge, and if it dosent, you will need to get a new battery.

:roll: it’s only a battery… what are you so concerned about? just hook it up to a charger and see if it’s still good. if not, just buy a new one.

Talk about going extreme with the whole JDM thing.

Anyways what kind of a battery is it? If it is just a sealed lead acid throw it on a charger and see if it holds a charge. If it is a dry cell take it to a parts source and have them recharge it on their machine.

You can trickle charge it. Canadian tire will sell a slow charger for like 20 bucks. You use them when you store your car. I will put like .5-2amps on it while you are storing it. It will probably take a couple of days(just to get it started), bet its better then putting it on a quick charge and boiling it.

Good luck,


If it is a dry cell don’t trickle charge it though.

yes^ above is correct.

its VERY hard on the alternator to re-charge a dead battery

Yes i was told the same thing. I plan to charge it off the charger while its completely off the car.

What kind of charger should i look into? CT sells so many types, i dont want to screw it up

Thanks again everyone

No its not “JDM” bling. Its a high quality parts that you cant get it any where here in NA.

My cousin bought it from Nismo dealership from Japan. Its from Nismo S15 catalog i think. I believe the manufracture is Fru… or Fuj… I cant remember its spelling for my life lol.

But if you think Optima is Mercedes, then this battery is the SLR

How much HP does that SLR battery give you?

What sort of benefits does this high quality battery have over other conventional batteries?

And to answer your quesiton about which charger to buy from CT you would first have to tell us what kind of battery it is like I had previously asked. If it is a dry cell like an optima you will have to bring it somewhere to get charged. If it just just a normal lead acid any charger that does a 2/10/50 amp charge will do.

ok sorry guys, but i have to say this, and this is the truth, the alternator is the BEST way to charge the battery, because the battery is DESIGNED to be charged by the alternator, thus using the alternator to charge is the best way, you should drive around for a while and it should charge so do this…

  1. unhook battery
  2. boost start car by the power terminals (with the battery unhooked)
  3. attach battery
  4. drive around
  5. be laffin…
  1. peace


How much HP does that SLR battery give you?[/quote]

No offense but you’re a retard thinking battery has no effect in performance. If so i guess you think spark plugs, distributorless, ground wires, and spark plugs wires arent also important?

You’ve been living in a cage or something? Have you heard what Spoon, and Nismo say about ECU system?

Try to replace your OEM ECU with a fully programmable ECU like AEM without grounding mods, you will see how the AEM like it.

I believe its stronger, consistent power for plugs. I was convienced by Spoon and BuddyClub when they talk about grounding kit. Why do you upgrade spark plugs wire, spark plugs but not the battery?

Many little things add ups in a well modified car.

I’m actually debated about it. I was told NOT to charge the battery myself as i think its Dry-cell. I dont know but the damn thing were written Japanese all over it. The Manufracture is Frujakta or something.

Ha, I love this!!! Once agian we have another who belives everything they read out of SCC or superstreet… Buddyclub said this…Spoon said that.

It’s a freakin battery, buy a new one and shut up.

I’m actually debated about it. I was told NOT to charge the battery myself as i think its Dry-cell. I dont know but the damn thing were written Japanese all over it. The Manufracture is Frujakta or something.[/quote]

when your car runs your alternator always chrages the battery, this is the safest way

I’m actually debated about it. I was told NOT to charge the battery myself as i think its Dry-cell. I dont know but the damn thing were written Japanese all over it. The Manufracture is Frujakta or something.[/quote]

when your car runs your alternator always chrages the battery, this is the safest way[/quote]

alesser; where are you getting this info? THe alternator is to run any/all 12V power sources and replace the small charge the battery uses to start the car…


I believe its stronger, consistent power for plugs. I was convienced by Spoon and BuddyClub when they talk about grounding kit. Why do you upgrade spark plugs wire, spark plugs but not the battery?

Many little things add ups in a well modified car.[/quote]

Convinced by spoon and buddy club?

How is one battery stronger than another? All batteries have amperage ratings for different temperatures etc. They flow the required current for a given load at a certain voltage. I fail to see how one battery is going to have better and stronger electrons than another. One amp is one amp no matter what car battery you use so I don’t understand how yours would be “stronger”.

Why do you change spark plug wires, grounds, etc?
All these things are bottlenecks for current flow. They do not have the same potential for current flow that a battery does. Changing these things to larger size wires obviously does help greatly since it keeps voltage drop to a minimum which in turn keeps current draw for a specific load lower. It also will generate less heat and less heat means less resistance.

I’m not trying to start a fight with you or be a smart ass,i’m just giving my opinion on the subject. I’d bet the battery you have is made by some normal battery manufacturer and is just relabelled by nissan or whoever.

Quote me one quote anything Buddyclub said that i mentioned in ANY of those mags that you know off, i will be your servant for a week.

Untill then, shutup and dont be stereotype.