in case you are wondering why it’s assymetrical, it’s an old car design trick: get two styles on one concept model, plus it’s easier for the modelers as it doesn’t need to be symmetrical:
also, I will not host the pics here, two other forums I am on had the shots up and were asked to remove them by GM - not sure if that BS or not but I don’t want to get the admins in shit.
so enjoy while they’re up… personally I like the look, very pissed off.
Pro Stock John of LS1tech received an anonymous email of these ‘concept’ pictures, which they then hosted. The pictures started spreading when word got out that they were actual GM clays. Scott Settlemire actually talked to John and GM security got a pretty good handle on them, getting the boards to remove the pictures. I’m sure they are chasing down the source of the leak.
Apparently the camaro to be shown next month is newer and more improved than the one in the pictures, but these being actual GM property, they confirmed a number of basic design ideas that we have been seeing in the concepts drawn by those that have seen the real car. It also shows a dual exhuast, IRS (booo), etc
I’ll be bringing back pics/vids from detroit once it is displayed to the public jan 14th
yea too much like a corvette rear in those pics, but the front isn’t too bad, although kinda similar to the new mustang front. I would imagine the fenders and of course wheels would be de-emphised in production, but not too bad. I hope no IRS, that would suck.
Seriously tho, although there seems to be huge controversy over these pics…i can’t help but feel like it was done on purpose. Make the public think it’s a scandal to get more publicity. The pictures aren’t all that great, and everywhere you look they all advertise ‘clay model’, so in reality all it’s doing is drawing up hype for the actual release in january.
I’m a GM fan so don’t get me wrong here, but I can’t beleive that everyone is buying the ‘accidental leak’ story.