new camera feature pretty neat

I got a new Canon Powershot S3 IS the other day and it’s pretty amazing what all it can do. F’ing around with it today when reading the manual, it has a feature where you can focus in on one color, and then it will take the picture in all B/W except the color you chose. Pretty freaking bad ass. I can’t WAIT to get the Z back out and try it w/ the car! You can even swap colors, like you can make a red car yellow etc…

here are a few shots I took of our mantel just messing around with the feature…

Pretty sweet jinx!


sweet jinx!

bad ass features


I love LA

Wow that’s pretty neat. That’s a nice camera you got there.

Nice. :bigthumb:
We had a couple of wedding photos like that and only the flowers were in color.

thanks guys, yeah it’s a pretty neat little camera, I am sure I won’t ever use all of the features. Best part is I got it off of ebay for about 1/2 of what they are going for in the stores :slight_smile:

Me too, I lived in Venice Beach for a few years :slight_smile:

It’s like a camera and Photoshop in one, pretty cool.

yea thats pretty sweet, canon has been doing that feature in the video cameras for a while i found some videos i shot in like 99 that i must have been bored so i stated to use the filters. ps i love that sea shell picture in a non fag way

and what way would that be??? :kekegay:

nice shots! take some more :naughty:

saying love and seashell at the same time sounds kinda :greddy: but if you use your imagination, its pink and it kinda looks like a… in a weird way:1320: